Networking 101
Networking – you've heard the saying: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
The word itself can instill fear and trepidation into some people. The thought of having to spend a morning or an evening surrounded by strangers and pretending to be engaged in conversation is a nightmare. I’m really selling this whole networking thing well, aren’t I. I've been to some of the most boring AF events, and ones that have left me buzzing for days because of who I met, what I spoke about and the collaborations or opportunities that have eventuated. My network is also a source of advice, clarity, assistance, innovative collaborations and ideas, so it’s certainly something that I actively work at building.
To those that know me personally in industry know that I am not one to shy away from an event. I really do love meeting people from all industries, because networking to me is the opportunity to connect people, and to do that, I need to know people! Fact: in 2017 I thought I would count how many events I went to: approximately 29. How many direct employment opportunities I got as a result of showing up: 1. How many indirect employment opportunities I got as a result of being active and present: endless.
Between 5-10 years ago, I was the shyest person in the room. There would have been negative chance of me going to an event alone, or approaching someone, and then articulating words to form sentences to form a conversation… yeah not happening. Today I have the total gusto to go to any networking event alone, approach others, engage and be engaging. Networking is a skill, a muscle that you work at to build up. If you're a natural schmoozer, great!
When you've made the conscious decision to go to an event, you want to make sure that you get the most out of it. Here are some of my top networking considerations:
1. Have zero expectations – go to an event with an open mind and zero expectations. This can be doubly hard to do when you’re looking for employment opportunities. You’re there to build and foster relationships and that takes time. Of course, being at the right place at the right time an opportunity may land your way, but networking is about the long-term game. Don’t give up after your first try or get demotivated easily.
2. Ask questions and actively listen – the best way to get to know people is to ask them questions! This shows that you’re inquisitive and genuinely interested, and takes the pressure off you from having to talk which can be a source of nerves! Ask open ended questions so you get more than a yes/no answer and can actually generate a conversation.
3. Don’t look unapproachable - this starts with your body language and facial expression. Don’t sit in the corner of the room on your phone, don’t cross your arms. This can also be reflected in who you show up with. If you show up with a friend, don’t spend the whole night talking to the same person – give each other space, to approach and be approached. Otherwise why did you come to this event?
And lastly…
4. Follow up – you've made the effort, connected on LinkedIn or got that business card. Now make sure you follow up on the connection. If you got along with someone, don’t shy away from reaching out and connecting further with someone, or inviting them to come to a future event with you. What’s the worst they will say? No! If you haven’t followed up, then you haven’t created a meaningful contact or relationship
Are you a confident networker? As I said before, I used to hate networking and royally suck at it. It doesn’t have to be that way, and after years of networking, I’ve gotten a strong insight into what works and what doesn’t. If you’re ready to up-level your networking game, then join me at my next masterclass, "Network with Confidence" which will give you my top tips to networking and how to get the most out of events. Register right here, right now! It’s a skill that will last you a lifetime and one that you should build early on.
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